Greatway Financial
Complaint Resolution Process
Step 1: Let us know
Your complaint in writing will be reviewed by our Compliance Team. It should include a description of the misconduct, the harm suffered, and the corrective measures being requested. You'll receive confirmation within 5 business days following receipt of your complaint.
Greatway Compliance Department
For market conduct concerns or complaint resolution
By email at: compliance@greatwayfinancial.com
By mail to the attention of:
Greatway Financial Compliance
1223 31 Ave NE, Calgary AB T2E 7W1
Phone: 1-800-545-0013 Ext. 6
Phone: 416-901-0305
Step 2:
A Greatway Financial’s Compliance team member will contact you to discuss your situation. Your complaint will be reviewed and once completed, a response will be confirmed in writing regarding Greatway’s position on your complaint within 30 days.
Step 3: If you are not satisfied with the outcome.
You may pursue this matter with any of the following external resources.
OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance
Address: 2 Bloor St. West, Suite 700 Toronto, ON M4W 3E2
Attention: General Manager
Phone: 416-777-9002;
Toll free: 1-888-295-8112;
Bell Relay Service (Hearing Impaired): 1-800-855-0511
Web: www.olhi.ca
Ombudsman des assurances de personnesAddress: 2001, boul. Robert Bourassa, 17e étage, Montréal (Québec) H3A 2A6
Attention: À l’attention de la Directrice générale
Phone : 514-282-2088;
Toll free: 1-866-582-2088 ;
Bell Relay Service (Hearing Impaired): 1-800-855-0511
Web: www.oapcanada.ca -
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Address: Enterprise Building, 427 Laurier Ave. West, 6th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9
Toll-free English: 1-866-461-3222 ,
Toll-free French 1-866-461-2232
Web: www.fcac.gc.ca -
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Authority
Address: 5160 Yonge Street, 16th floor, Toronto, ON M2N 6L9
Phone: 416-250-7250 or
Toll-free: 1-800-668-0128
Email: contactcentre@fsrao.ca
Web: www.fsrao.ca/contact-us -
Autorité des marchés financiers
Address: Place de la Cité, tour Cominar, 2640, boulevard Laurier, bureau 400, Québec, G1V 5C1
Phone: 418-525-0337
Fax: 418-525-9512
Web: www.lautorite.qc.caAutorité des marchés financiers
Address: 800, square Victoria, 22e étage, C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse, Montréal, QC, H4Z 1G3
Phone: 514-395-0337;
Toll free: 1-877-525-0337
Fax: 514-873-3090
Web: www.lautorite.qc.ca -
Superintendent of Insurance, Insurance and Real Estate Division
Financial and Consumer Affairs AuthorityAddress: Suite 601, 1919 Saskatchewan Drive, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4H2
Phone: 306-787-6700
Fax: 306-787-9006
Email: fid@gov.sk.ca
Web: https://fcaa.gov.sk.ca/